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"Hello! Sharing World"

The Ultimate
Coding Bootcamp 2022

The long-awaited coding bootcamp is starting in October. Learn about the most demanded technologies in the industry, build real-world projects in a collaborative setting and expand your network.

The long-awaited coding bootcamp is starting in October. Learn about the most demanded technologies in the industry, build real-world projects in a collaborative setting and expand your network.
This year, we are inviting more profesional who want to help us bring high level education for you.
So if you want to learn the most demanded skills to land your next tech job, consider joining us this year.

Please contact us per Email for any further questions!

See the past Coding Bootcamps

Take a look at the last two Ultimate Coding Bootcamps which took place in Buenos Aires and in Warsaw.


Ultimate Coding Bootcamp 2013 in Buenos Aires


Ultimate Coding Bootcamp 2011 in Warsaw


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